We're for the little humans. We're for their futures.
In addition, it’s been shown that nearly fifty percent of the world’s children are in some kind of poverty – be it a lack of food, a roof over their heads, or parents to bring them up and teach them important life lessons. Sixty percent of children in South Africa have this problem too – a situation that needs to be seen to sooner, rather than later.
One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that we, as individuals, can make a difference - Jeff Bridges
Our Food Fund was designed to embed those words into our philosophy of how we treat people, and how we can drive change – with the help from the public-at-large. We’ve identified the need for children’s homes (our enlisted beneficiaries) that we support on a regular basis. In lieu of donations to them, we focus on food and grocery requirements they may have throughout the course of the year.
We generally supply each home with enough food and groceries to keep them going for between two and three months. However, this depends on the beneficiary’s requirement at the time we elect them for a consignment.
Included in the average consignment is the following: maize/mielie meal, samp, rice, pasta, baked beans, tinned foods (pilchards and meat balls, for example), various cereals (from Corn Flakes and Weet-Bix to Pro-Nutro, dependant on the age group), soups, rooibos tea, coffee, sugar, cooking oil, long life milk, orange juice, Sunlight soaps and washing powders, toilet tissue, and more.
We appeal to you to make a financial contribution of your choosing to this worthy cause. If you’re in contact with one, your fundraising representative will let you know what the cost per child is (only as a guide), so that you can then make your decision on how much you would be prepared to assist us with. We thank you very much in advance for your kind contributions!
* UNICEF South Africa – Child and Maternal Health – unicef.org/southafrica/survival_devlop_755.html
In addition to assisting its enlisted beneficiaries, AAAKEE also caters for the community. From individuals and families to schools, we try to help those in need whenever we can. Learn more