Our Funds

AAAKEE is committed to running its various Funds and projects that better the children’s lives through improved health and welfare and sustainable education. Each one is listed below.

Active Education Fund

One of the biggest concerns in South Africa is the quality of children’s education, or lack thereof. This problem is mostly seen within disadvantaged communities across the country. In addition, and as we have seen in 2012, even those who do have access to public education don’t get their text books and other learning materials on time. Learn more →

Excursion Fund

Our Excursion Fund was put together to treat underprivileged children to educational and enjoyable excursions to various well- and lesser-known South African landmarks. These excursions are designed to enrich the children’s lives with fun, entertainment, excitement, and opportunity. Using this strategy, they can learn new things about the world they live in – bringing them closer to a better future – and have fun at the same time. Learn more →

Food Fund

According to UNICEF, malnutrition is the root cause of death in sixty-four percent of South African children under the age of five. “One in five children is stunted, and many are deficient in the vitamins and minerals vital to good health and optimal development.” In addition, it’s been shown that nearly fifty percent of the world’s children are in some kind of poverty – be it a lack of food, a roof over their heads, or parents to bring them up and teach them important life lessons. Sixty percent of children in South Africa have this problem too – a situation that needs to be seen to sooner, rather than later. Learn more →

Uniform Fund

As in many other former British colonies, all South African private and public schools have a uniform, and it is compulsory in all public schools and in the vast majority of private schools for children above pre-school level. Without one a child may not be able to attend school. Learn more →

Christmas Fund

It is unfortunate that so many kids in the country don’t have the simple opportunity of being able to celebrate Christmas, or even just an end-of-year party. It is one of our goals to give them this opportunity, making them feel part of a bigger whole. Learn more →

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Reamogetswe Resource Centre

Formerly known as NOAH Communities Muldersdrift Ark, the Reamogetswe Resource Centre is now a children's development centre in Muldersdrift. Learn more